
“Sulla Buona Strada…Calabresi D.O.P” Award to NanoSiliCal Devices

During the 4th edition of the “Sulla Buona Strada…Calabresi D.O.P” Award, delivered by the Association of Social Promotion In.Con.Tra, NanoSiliCal Devices, spin-off of University of Calabria and based in the Department of Pharmacy and Health and Nutrition Science, is recognized as “Calabrian excellence”.

In.Con.Tra is an association of socio-cultural animation, born in 2011 with the purpose, among others, to emphasize all those entrepreneurial, associative, public and private realities having a significant impact on the territory with their work and commitment.

In order to celebrate these Calabrian positive examples, a ceremonial event took place at the Amphitheatre A. Tieri in Castrolibero (CS). Among the Calabrian enterprises in competition in the innovation and new technologies category, NanoSiliCal Devices received the “Calabresi D.O.P” award because, with its project and its activity in the field of intelligent nanotechnology for targeted tumor therapy, it has been able, since its foundation (2014), to enhance and promote the territory, giving a proactive and worthy image of Calabria.

October 5, 2019 Awards, Events
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